Wrong variable name in EPOCH_clientRevive.sqf. Thanks to and Crash bug when opening base building upgrade menu since Arma 3 1.68. jammerGLOnly = 0 in CfgEpochClient to disable. To prevent issues with ownership only Group Leader can place a Jammer. Air Drops are now triggered via Epoch Events server side every 45m at random, instead of randomly triggered client side. Objects or Players that have been given "Crypto" variable can be accessed via the dynamic menu (Space Bar) for a "Take Crypto" action.

Thanks to Great White Sharks will now spawn if the player is deep enough in the ocean. Optimized NPC Trading and fixed issue if trade failed. Optimized database SET and SETEX calls in both SQF and C++. Thanks to Epoch Event: ChangeWeather has been updated to allow for better random control of weather and defaults to bad weather. Thanks to Epoch Message function now supports custom colors. Selling to traders with bank debt greater than -50000(default), pays the bank debt back to below the limit instead of the player. Respawn in base feature, each player must interact with Jammer and choose "Make Spawnpoint" to enable. Toxic Smoke Grenades can now be found in the world. Customizability of units spawned by UAV alert via CfgEpochClient > uavAlertUnitSpawnTemplate.

Thanks to Crafting recipe: Mortar (Uses: 12x Rock, 2x dirty water) (Requires: Fire and workbench within 3m).

Custom event handler and OnEachFrame hooks added. 64-bit database extension support for Windows (EpochServer_圆4.dll) and Linux (epochserver_圆4.so) servers. Thanks to 7 new Keesha camo skins by Craig Hauer aka ComatoseBadger. Added Service Point to Rearm, Repair and Refuel. Epoch is leaving alpha and entering beta! All Epoch Asset project sources are now available via our GitHub +LFS and under APL-SA license here: